Javier Hagen as "nominator"
The Japanese Kyoto Prize Committee has invited Javier Hagen to submit nominations for the Kyoto Prize in the category "Art and Philosophy", discipline "Music".

According to Wikipedia, the highly endowed Kyoto Prize of the Japanese Inamori Foundation Alongside the Nobel Prize, it is one of the "highest honors for achievements in science and culture". Each year, an outstanding personality is usually honored for their life's work in each of the three categories "Advanced Technology", "Basic Sciences" and "Arts and Philosophy". Every four years, a music prize is awarded in the "Arts and Philosophy" category. In 1985, the inaugural year of the Kyoto Prize, the music prize went to Olivier Messiaen, later to: John Cage (1989), Witold Lutoslawski (1993), Iannis Xenakis (1997), György Ligeti (2001), Nikolaus Harnoncourt (2005), Pierre Boulez (2009), Cecil Taylor (2013) and Richard Taruskin (2017).
As no award ceremony was held in 2020 due to the Sars-Covid-19 pandemic, the next music prize will be awarded in 2022. Every year, the Inamori Foundation invites internationally recognized experts to nominate outstanding personalities for the award. As Javier Hagen announces, he is one of the "nominators" for the next music prize. Their suggestions are collected in a pool. From this, the prize nominee is selected in a three-stage process. The choice is then approved by the Foundation's management.
As a singer, Javier Hagen has premiered hundreds of compositions worldwide and organized countless world premieres. He is also involved in regional, national and international professional politics through the IGNM-VS, SGNM and ISCM.