Financial help to keep going

Fondation Suisa is temporarily expanding its sponsorship portfolio with "Keep Going!" and Musik Hug AG is donating one percent of one month's turnover to Sonart - Musikschaffende Schweiz's relief fund for musicians in need.

Photo: Neil Thomas /

It is clear to both Musik Hug and the Fondation Suisa that the situation for Swiss musicians has been extremely difficult for months. They need effective support so that they can continue to pursue their projects.

"Keep Going!" by the Fondation Suisa

In a press release, Fondation Suisa writes that the Board of Trustees quickly and easily agreed to make the funding programs more flexible within the scope of the foundation's purpose. The additional funding model "Keep Going!" complements the existing offers. The programme is intended to "pick up the musicians and music organizations exactly where they are at the moment and allow them to adapt to the new circumstances if necessary".

Ten tranches of CHF 5000 will be awarded in April.

Link to the project:


Solidarity campaign by Musik Hug

Without art and culture, things would be quiet, according to the professional association Sonart - Musikschaffende Schweiz. For this reason, Musik Hug is donating one percent of one month's turnover to the Sonart - Musikschaffende Schweiz relief fund as part of the "Musik tut gut" solidarity campaign. Association members can submit a one-off application for bridging assistance of up to CHF 3000 from the relief fund.

The tender is expected to start in April, writes Sonart.

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