Successful Swiss Youth Music Festival

Around 4300 young people took part in the 17th Swiss Youth Music Festival. At the closing ceremony, the festival winners were honored by Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga.

Federal Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga at the closing ceremony. Photo: #burgdorf19,Photo: #burgdorf19,Photo: #burgdorf19

According to the organizers, 105 clubs were judged in various concert venues in Burgdorf on 21 and 22 September. In addition to wind orchestras and tambourine groups, symphony orchestras and accordion ensembles also took part for the first time. The standard of the concert performances was very high, as Armin Bachmann, competition organizer, summed up. The event attracted a large audience.

Festival grounds with castle in the background

At the closing ceremony, Federal Councillor Simonette Sommaruga congratulated all participants on behalf of the Federal Council and presented the trophies to the Swiss champions. The winners with the highest number of points were Youth music Kreuzlingen (category harmony), the Young People Brass Ochlenberg (category brass band) the JAO Youth Accordion Orchestra (accordion category). No points were awarded in the symphony orchestra category; the three participating ensembles (Orchestra giovanile della Svizzera Italiana, Schwyz Youth Orchestra, Regional Youth Symphony Orchestra Solothurn) received a jury report.

Concert venue Markthalle

The Swiss Youth Music Festival is the most important event of the Swiss Youth Music Association. The next festival will be held in St. Gallen in 2023.


The detailed rankings are available at the following link:

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