Lesotho's Swiss national anthem

An exhibition on the national anthem of Lesotho, which is based on a Basel melody, can be seen in the Basel University Library from the end of September to the beginning of December.

Border crossing to Lesotho at the Sani Pass. Photo: Vaiz Ha/WikimediaCommons

In 1967, the song "Lesotho, Land of our Fathers" became the national anthem of the constitutional monarchy of Lesotho. The melody was written by Ferdinand Samuel Laur (1791-1854), the founder of the Basler Gesangsverein. Around 1870, it can be found as a song with Sesothic lyrics in a schoolbook of the British crown colony of Basutoland.

"Our country"? - Lesotho's Swiss national anthem, an exhibition in the Basel University Library and a richly illustrated book, now trace the unusual history of this melody.

Basel University Library, September 28 to December 1, 2018

Further information

Basel University Library

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