Bernese rapper denied entry to the USA

Bernese musician Thierry Gnahoré (artist name: Nativ) is unable to realize a studio grant from the City of Bern in New York. The USA refuses him entry.

(Image: zvg)

The Bernese daily newspaper "Der Bund" Gnahoré told us that the USA justified the refusal of the visa with "previous, minor violations of the law". The scholarship would have been endowed with 15,000 francs, which Gnahoré would now have to pay back to the city. As "Der Bund" further writes, the city will try to rent out the free studio in New York over the next six months if possible.

Gnahoré writes on his Facebook page: "I have spent the last 3 months sending documents to the US embassy. Now finally, after my last energy has been used up, I have received the final decision. I will not leave Switzerland because I will be refused entry to the USA".

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