Zurich Festival now only every two years

The Zurich Festival has announced that the event will only be held every two years in future, during a concentrated period of three weeks in June, well before the end of the season. The Zurich Festival Prize will be awarded in the interim year.

Photo: Zurich Festival

With Ursula Gut as President and Alexander Keil as Managing Director, there will also be a new management team. They replace Peter F. Weibel and Elmar Weingarten. Ursula Gut was Mayor of Küsnacht from 1998 to 2006 and a member of the Zurich Cantonal Council from 2006 to 2015. Alexander Keil has worked for the Staatsschauspiel Dresden, the Bayreuth Festival and most recently for the Schauspielhaus Zurich, where he was responsible for special events and guest performances.

The position of curator is also to be created. The Artistic Commission and the Board of Trustees want to "appoint a suitable person in the near future".


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