University biography of Irène Schweizer

To mark the 75th birthday of jazz pianist Irène Schweizer, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is publishing a comprehensive biography of the artist, the result of three years of research.

Photo: Annamarie Ursula/wikimedia commons

In a three-year project, Christian Broecking, jazz journalist and researcher at the Lucerne School of Music, has systematically researched the life, artistic career and political activities of Irène Schweizer. The project was co-financed by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

Christian Broecking interviewed the artist herself for the book, as well as more than sixty of her companions: from musicians such as George Lewis, Evan Parker and Louis Moholo to singer Maggie Nicols, composer Carla Bley, jazz festival founder Niklaus Troxler and politician Corine Mauch.

In addition, a selected solo recording by Irène Schweizer was described and transcribed for the publication by musicologist Olivier Senn from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and jazz musician Toni Bechtold. "With this analysis, we want to explain the pianist's special style and make it accessible to a wide audience," explains Senn.

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