Symphony of ten thousand

While orchestras elsewhere in Germany are being merged or even eliminated altogether, the world's largest orchestra is set to perform in Frankfurt's football arena in 2016. Partners of the Guinness Book record attempt are the German Music Council and Musikmesse Frankfurt.

Jens Illemann, project manager initiator. Photo: a.s.s. concerts & promotion

On July 9, 2016, 10,000 musicians from all over Germany will perform in the football stadium. The largest orchestra in the world is set to break the current world record for the Guinness Book of Records. The Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt and "well-known stars" will also be taking part. 

Wolf Kerschek will conduct the world's largest orchestra. The winner of the Echo Klassik and the Hamburg Jazz Prize will be the musical director of the rehearsals and the concert. He will also support the technical realization of the project. The initiator of the project is trumpeter Jens Illemann, a graduate of the Hamburg University of Music.

Four pieces are on the program for the record attempt: excerpts from Dvořák's 9th and Beethoven's 9th symphony, "Starlight Express" from the musical of the same name and "Music was my first love" by John Miles. You can register to take part on the project's website.

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