Lucerne Festival Ark Nova in Fukushima

From October 24 to November 3, 2015, the Lucerne Festival Ark Nova mobile concert hall will be used for the third time, this time in Fukushima. Once again, a music festival featuring traditional Japanese music and European classical and jazz musicians will take place.

Lucerne Festival, Ark Nova 2014 © Yu Terayama | Till Fellner

Concert performers include the solo flutist of the Lucerne Festival Orchestra Jacques Zoon, the Japanese pianist Kazune Shimizu, a wind ensemble of Lucerne Festival Orchestra soloists led by solo trumpeter Reinhold Friedrich, the winner of the 2010 Chopin Competition, pianist Yulianna Avdeeva, I Musici of the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Rome and the Swedish saxophonist Magnus Lindgren.

The Lucerne Festival Ark Nova is the first mobile and inflatable concert hall. It was initiated by Michael Haefliger, Artistic Director of the Lucerne Festival, the Japanese star architect Arata Isozaki, the British artist Anish Kapoor and the Japanese concert agent Masahide Kajimoto and was built for the first time in 2013.

The basic idea of Ark Nova is to bring courage and confidence to the people during the reconstruction in the Japanese region of Tōhoku affected by the disaster of March 11, 2011. An ensemble of soloists from the Lucerne Festival Orchestra already performed in the mobile concert hall in Matsushima in 2013 and in Sendai in 2014.

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