Concert with prizewinners from four decades

The Swiss Youth Music Competition celebrates its 40th anniversary on September 13 with a matinee at the Tonhalle Zurich.


Forty years ago, Gerd Albrecht, then chief conductor of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, called the Swiss Youth Music Competition (SJMW) into life. This event will be celebrated on September 13 with a matinee at 11 a.m. in the small hall of the Tonhalle Zurich. Prizewinners from four decades will be performing. Fabio di Càsola, Thomas Grossenbacher, Benjamin Engeli, Anne-Laure Pantillon, Salomo Schweizer, Nathalie Blaser, Florian Abächerli, the Bazar Quartet and Jean-Sélim Abdelmoula will bring classical music to life. There will be jazz with Tapiwa Svosve and Leandro Irarragorri and, finally, rock & pop with the band "The Pixel" in the foyer.

In between, Andreas Wegelin, President of the SJMW Foundation, André Helfenstein, representing the main partner Credit Suisse, and Bobby Keller, Honorary President of the SJMW Foundation, will speak. And at the end, at 1 p.m., there will be an aperitif to toast the anniversary.

Radio SRF 2 Kultur will broadcast Andreas Müller-Crepon's report on this anniversary matinee on October 22nd between 8pm and 10pm.

Concert matinee

Sunday, September 13, 2015, 11 a.m.
Tonhalle Zurich, Small Hall

Ticket sales: Ticket office of the Tonhalle Society Zurich

Free admission for listeners aged 20 and under

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