Visible music at the Science Days

Students from the University of Teacher Education and the FHNW School of Music presented experiments on the subject of acoustics at Science Days in the Europapark in southern Germany. The science festival attracts around 20,000 visitors, including many school classes.

Photo: Europa-Park

With this project, the initiators Tibor Gyalog (University of Teacher Education) and Beat Hofstetter (University of Music) want to open up access to the interdisciplinary subject of acoustics from the perspective of physics and music, writes the FHNW.

The presentation was very well received: In addition to many thousands of visitors, there was a short TV report on the Südwestfunk regional show and an invitation to the Beijing Science Festival 2015. Presentations are also planned for the anniversary event "150 Years of the Academy of Natural Sciences" in fall 2015 and at TuN Basel 2016.

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