Levy Patron of the Jewish Music and Theater Week

Swiss director and actor Dani Levy ("Alles auf Zucker") is the patron of this year's 18th Jewish Music and Theater Week Dresden, which will take place in October and November.

Photo: Manfred Werner - Tsui

According to the German Press Agency, festival director Valentina Marcenaro emphasized that Levy, whose films deal with the Jewish self-image in a humorous and controversial way, is the perfect representative for the 18th edition with the motto "Jewish.now!".

As part of the 18th edition of the festival, modern, partly contemporary interpretations from the fields of music, theater, dance, literature and film can be seen and heard. Young artists, contemporary art and fresh approaches dedicated to Jewish culture in all its facets are presented in a total of almost 30 events.

In Kabbalah, 18 corresponds to the word chai, which stands for "life". And that is exactly what this year is all about, according to the festival flyer. Under the title "Jewish. Now!", the festival is focusing in particular on the very lively present.

More info: www.juedische-woche-dresden.de

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