Survey on the international choral landscape

The Singing Europe survey, which is expected to run until mid-July 2014, aims to gain the first cross-border insights into the practice and needs of singing ensembles throughout Europe.

Egon Häbich /

Nobody really knows how many people sing together on the continent, in which countries which repertoire is cultivated, how much time is devoted to singing and so on, writes the Schott publishing house. These and other questions on artistic, demographic and economic aspects as well as statistics and information from choral associations should ultimately help to create a picture of a singing Europe.

The publication of the results with a comparison between the different countries is planned for 2015. The aim of the project is also to stimulate a Europe-wide debate about singing and to promote mutual awareness and familiarization between singing groups from different countries.

There are now almost 700 responses from Slovenia alone, providing information about the whole country. Anyone who belongs to a choir or singing group, whether as a singer, conductor or board member, is invited to complete the short questionnaire on in his own language.

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