Oppermann becomes chief dramaturge in Pforzheim
Peter Oppermann, who began his stage career at Theater Luzern, will become head dramaturge and artistic deputy to artistic director Thomas Münstermann at Theater Pforzheim from the 2015/2016 season.

The 44-year-old Oppermann began his career in Switzerland and joined the Städtische Bühnen Osnabrück. He was subsequently engaged as a member of the theater management of the Nordharzer Städtebundtheater Halberstadt and the Landesbühne Hannover. Since 2004, he has been chief dramaturge and deputy to the artistic director Gerhard Weber at the Theater der Stadt Trier.
His adaptations of novels for the stage were successfully premiered there; he also directed the contemporary authors' festival Maximierung Mensch several times, which met with national acclaim. Under the title "Total théatre", he has collaborated with various theaters in the greater German-French-Luxembourg region, and he has continued to set the tone by establishing numerous unusual venues in the city.