Mullbau from Lucerne honored

Six productions for young ears received awards at the Gewandhaus in Leipzig on November 21, 2013. Among them in the LabOhr category was "Mullbau" by the Lucerne artists' collective of the same name.


In the category Best Practice, Concert was awarded to the Theater Kontra-Punkt from Düsseldorf for its production You are here, you are gone awarded. The contemporary musical theater piece deals with serious themes such as death, grief and jealousy.

Award winner in the category Best practice, participatory project was The Magic Flutean exemplary cooperation project between the Porta Nigra School for pupils with special needs and the Trier Theater.

The category LabEar saw two winners this year: the two nominated projects The listeners by the Theaterwerkstatt Pilkentafel (Flensburg) and Gauze construction by the Lucerne artists' collective of the same name (the SMZ reported) shared the prize. In The listeners sound researchers invade everyday school life and turn the classroom upside down with a surprising eavesdropping attack. The Mullbau is a socio-cultural space for improvisation that has won awards for its children's concert series.

An above-average number of applications were received this year in the Music & Media award. The jury selected the project Tracking 2.0 as the prize winner. This project by the Swabian Education Center Irsee, which took place as part of the 2013 Tonspuren festival, combines young people's fascination with technology with the creative exploration of self-composed sounds and noise collages.

The focus of the young ears award this year was on the category Music & Media. Not only did the specialist conference Perspective: Music and media The following day, the topic was the use of media in music education. A children's jury also met for the first time in the run-up to the award ceremony, awarding its own prize in this category. The unendowed special prize of the children's jury went to What does history sound like? In search of traces in Municha Audio images-project by Bayerischer Rundfunk, the Listening Foundation and the Bavarian State Center for Political Education. Young people explored various topics of the Nazi dictatorship in a journalistic and musical way, for example euthanasia, child transports and displaced persons.

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