On the way to the Baroque

From August 23 to 31, 2013, the Festival of Early Music will take place in Basel for the second time. Under the title "Paths to the Baroque - tradition and avant-garde around 1600", concert programs, lectures, guided tours and a conference will shed light on the change in style from the Renaissance to the Baroque.

Pieter Lastman, David in the temple, 1618 (zvg)

The festival is organized by the "Verein zur Förderung von Basler Absolventen auf dem Gebiet der Alten Musik", which has set itself the task of accompanying and supporting young musicians on their way "from studies to the podium". Young musicians, graduate ensembles from the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and students from the Basel School of Early Music, meet recognized specialists from all over Europe.
The transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque around 1600 is considered one of the most momentous stylistic changes in the history of music. However, the new was already apparent two to three decades earlier. Progressive tendencies in composition, performance and music theory became more frequent. Many of the almost avant-garde ideas of this musically rich period point to the Baroque, which only came to full fruition in the 17th century.
Mutually illuminating concert programs trace this development. The musical program is complemented by lectures (Silke Leopold on the topic "Five voices for the ego?" or Martin Kirnbauer on the lyre: "An instrument for gods, so to speak"), demonstrations, guided tours of the city and a international musicological conference on the aesthetics of listening in the Renaissance, organized by the Musicology Department of the University of Basel and the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Further information, program and venues:

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