60 years Künstlerhaus Boswil

Künstlerhaus Boswil celebrated its 60th anniversary in the old church on June 14. Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard and Cantonal Councillor Alex Hürzeler delivered messages of greeting.

Photo: Werner Rolli

On May 13, 1953, the first deed of foundation of the Boswil House of Artists signed. This marked the beginning of the history of a "legendary Swiss cultural institution", as the beautifully designed, richly illustrated and informative anniversary brochure puts it. From 1960 to 1991, the buildings on the church hill in Boswil were a home for older artists. At the same time, a cultural workshop developed that created new things with courses, conferences and encounters, "without rashly asking for success." (Günter Grass). From 1991 to 2005, Boswil became a place of culture with concerts in the old church as well as further education courses and events that focused on theater, literature and the visual arts. Since 2005, the Künstlerhaus has concentrated exclusively on music.

In the congratulatory speeches, the past and present of the diverse history of the Künstlerhaus were honored, including the founders and all those who were and are active for the Künstlerhaus. Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard expressed her conviction that the Künstlerhaus will have a rich future, while Cantonal Councillor Alex Hürzeler highlighted the Künstlerhaus as a good example of how change can bring very positive results.

The short musical intermezzi documented the broad spectrum of the Künstlerhaus program. Andreas Fleck, violoncello (artistic director of the Boswiler Sommer music festival), Hugo Bollschweier, viola (conductor of the Aargau Youth Symphony Orchestra, among others), Kaspar von Grüningen, double bass (orchestra manager at the Künstlerhaus), piano duo Yvo Haag and Adrienne Soos, Yuko Tsuboi, violin and the Duo Calva performed in various formations.

Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard and Government Councillor Alex Hürzeler
Photo: Werner Rolli

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