Music made from blinking eyelashes and pointing fingers
Dancer and choreographer Robert Wechsler, who works at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, wants to open up differentiated possibilities for people with disabilities to express themselves musically with a device that transforms movement into music.

The device, called "Motioncomposer", can generate sounds, music and poetry from every movement, even if it is just the blink of an eye. In this way, Wechsler hopes to help people with disabilities achieve genuine musical expression, improved body and self-awareness and thus the development of a realistic body image.
The Motioncomposer is currently being presented as part of a symposium for barrier-free interactive sound art at the workshop studio of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
In a workshop, four guest composers from Norway, Spain, Italy and Germany are working with experts from Bauhaus University and guests from the Infomus Institute in Genoa (Italy) on new music scenarios for the device.
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