Sounding museums

At the end of May and beginning of June, children and young people playing music enrich the cultural diversity of 32 museums in the canton of Zurich.

Showcases set to music 2010 Photo: VZM

The sounds of strings and birdsong at the Sihlwald Visitor Center, soloists, chamber music ensembles and orchestras at Kyburg Castle Museum - 21 Zurich music schools and 32 museums will be offering a wide range of concerts and musical and cultural events on June 1 and 2, 2013 (as well as May 25 and June 7/8/9, 2013).

How the Association of Zurich Music Schools (VZM) and the Association muse-um-zürich the "Sounding Museums" project is being carried out across the canton for the second time. Interesting art and cultural rarities can often be found in smaller and larger museums close to home. Be it history, arts and crafts or fine arts: with music from all eras and styles, played by children and young people, exhibition spaces come to life and invite visitors to enjoy unusual cultural experiences. The participating museums from the muse-um-zürich association open their doors to everyone, especially families.

In the canton of Zurich, around 66,500 music students currently attend instrumental and vocal lessons, play or sing in an ensemble or attend the basic musical education integrated into elementary school. The weekend of the Sounding museums is a special event among the approximately 3000 annual music school events, combining the liveliness of active music-making with the cultural diversity of the museums.

Information on the detailed program at:

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