Artistic delights on a standing order
In musician Don Li's Orbital Garden System, sound, visual and performing arts realize joint projects. A new financing system is intended to enable free admission for all, in line with the motto "art before profit".
The Bernese composer Don Li has been working on the combination of groove and minimal music since 1993. He calls this musical and compositional concept of reduction and repetition "Tonus-Music". He gave this concept a space by founding the Tonus-Music Laboratory in Bern, which opened in 2012 in Orbital Garden was renamed. It has been located at Kramgasse 10 in Bern for 10 years.
Now Don Li and his team want to open this cellar, where art, installation and performance events are realized, to a wide audience. The money for this is to be raised in a "Cloud" come together. We are looking for 500 people to pay at least 10 francs per month by standing order. This covers the artists' fees and other costs, while the organization is carried out on a voluntary basis, as it has been for years. In this way, all interested parties have free admission to the Kunstkeller and are able to engage with the latest works of art.