Bounce wins the ZKB Jazz Prize 2013
Julian Hesse, Jonathan Maag, Andrey Tatarinets and Dominik Chansorn, graduates of Bern University of the Arts (HKB), have won the 2013 Zürcher Kantonalbank Jazz Prize with their band Bounce.
In its reasons for awarding the prize to Bounce, the international jury cited terms such as "urgency", "risk-taking" and "energy". Second place (5,000 francs) went to the Bernese trio Kaos Protokoll.
The Zürcher Kantonalbank Jazz Prize has been awarded for the eleventh time, this year for the first time as part of a four-day festival with six selected bands.
The prize is to be used in the form of services for the music: Studio production, video production, CD and label costs, instruments, promotion or booking. The winning band will also play on the opening night of the Zurich jazznojazz festival at Zurich's Moods jazz club.