Sheet music market under pressure

More and more people are buying sheet music online. The result: according to Clemens Scheuch, Vice President of the German Music Publishers Association (DMV), some publishers are likely to close next year.

Musiknotenmarkt unter Druck
Photo: Furtseff /

According to an article in the New Music Newspaper expects sales in the sheet music market for classical music to fall by 30 to 60 percent since 2019. He puts sales of sheet music at a good 93 million euros in 2019. He does not yet have more recent industry figures. The book market generated around 9.3 billion euros in the same year.

There are around 350 music publishers in Germany - a few big ones, many small ones. Only one or two handful reach the ten-million-euro mark in annual turnover, says the DMV Vice President, who also heads the Bärenreiter publishing house in Kassel. This will be celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2023.

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