The focus is shifting to digital channels

In light of the corona crisis, m4music also had to be canceled, even the plans for a digital edition. Nevertheless, or perhaps precisely because of this, the pop music festival intends to support the Swiss music scene in the coming months.

It is well known that the coronavirus has brought public cultural life in Switzerland to a virtual standstill. The Migros Culture Percentage music festival m4music has even been thwarted twice by the pandemic. Two weeks before the start, it was announced that the 23rd edition, originally planned for March 19 to 21, would have to be canceled due to official requirements. "It is not justifiable to hold the event," the media release stated.

Planning in the rhythm of events

However, the makers did not want to admit complete defeat at this point. Consequently, they announced: "m4music 2020 will become m4music 2.0." Instead of a three-day festival for 6,000 visitors, a livestream was now planned for those at home. A mix of music, panel discussions and the so-called Demotape Clinic - the competition for up-and-coming Swiss pop music talent - was planned. Just eleven days later, this plan was already history. "In view of the current situation and the latest guidelines from the Federal Council, holding an event like the m4music 2.0 streaming festival, for which over 50 employees and guests from various parts of Switzerland would be traveling, is not justifiable," the festival management announced.

For m4music, however, there was no question of backing down. Festival director Philipp Schnyder von Wartensee promised: "Despite all the circumstances, we want to offer Swiss pop music a platform and provide specially produced content for music fans and professionals on our digital channels in the coming weeks." In fact, on March 21 - the original Saturday of the festival - the first online panel was held under the title Total breakdown - The music scene in times of the coronavirus. Around 350 participants followed the discussion live on Facebook or Zoom and the number of clicks on the recording on YouTube is constantly increasing, explained Philipp Schnyder on request. "We can be satisfied with that."

Topicality determines the topics of discussion

When asked about the impact of the festival's cancellation, he explains: "m4music is the most important meeting place for the Swiss indie music scene. So the move was correspondingly painful." At the same time, however, it is important to be aware that the representatives of the local music scene are currently focusing on other issues. Consequently, the above-mentioned online panel, which is still available on YouTube, was deliberately dedicated to these problems. For example, the existential hardship faced by musicians in the absence of payment and the increasing number of clubs and festivals in the face of the ban on events were discussed.

But back to m4music: according to Schnyder, they are currently still analyzing the financial impact of the festival cancellation. It is a complex process that also requires legal clarifications. "It is not the intention of m4music and the Migros Culture Percentage to get off as lightly as possible financially." This is an attitude that the festival can adopt because it is not being called into question despite the cancellation. "We are very well positioned and assume that m4music will take place again next year," explains Schnyder. Postponing this year's festival - to the fall, for example - was not considered. "That would have been too costly," says the festival director.

More panels and demo tape clinic online

It is clear that they want to help the Swiss music scene even without m4music 2020. "We are currently still thinking about how we want to position ourselves in order to support the local scene in the best possible way," reports Schnyder. Because Swiss radio and television are already active with all kinds of streams, m4music is planning to get involved in other ways. For example, the next online panel on April 16, 2020 will focus on the topic of Multiculturalism true(ly)? - About migration, culture and diversity accept. The focus of the discussion is the realization that our society is shaped by migration. But although more than 50 per cent of 15 to 35-year-olds in Switzerland have a migration background, this is hardly reflected in the arts pages, for example. Which leads to the question of why the multicultural music scene in this country is not more in the spotlight.

The Demotape Clinic will also be held digitally for the first time in April. The four category winners and the winner of the Demo of the Year will be announced online on April 28. And in the background, preparations for m4music 2021 will soon begin again, as Philipp Schnyder knows: "We're already starting the booking process again!"

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