Hummel's signature

The manuscript of the popular concerto for keyed trumpet has been published as a facsimile. An invitation to tinker.

Page from the facsimile

At the Bern University of the Arts (HKB), research with a focus on interpretation is strongly encouraged. The results of these profound and conscientious studies are a number of valuable publications in the brass section, which are published in the SMZ some of which have already been reviewed. (cf. new edition of Eugène Roy's trumpet school, SMZ 10/2010, p. 34)

Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837) wrote his Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra in E major for Anton Weidinger (1766-1852), the Viennese keyed trumpet virtuoso for whom Joseph Haydn also wrote his Trumpet Concerto in E flat major in 1796. The premiere took place on January 1, 1804 at the imperial court in Vienna. The original manuscript is in the British Library, London.

This facsimile shows the entire score in a clearly legible handwriting. The editor Edward H. Tarr concludes by comparing the handwriting that this must be the composer's autograph manuscript, although the score was created in several stages. The solo part was notated in a different font color and is scribbled over in some places with melodic variants (simplifications by the soloist?). Several leaps are marked, in two places even realized with glued-in insert sheets.

In Tarr's critical commentary (German/French/English), the proposed changes are examined and can be compared directly with the original in the solo part. A further chapter is devoted to the keyed trumpet, the original research project and object. Most of the 150 or so original instruments still in existence today are left-handed and equipped with 5 keys - unfortunately none of Weidinger's instruments have survived. This means that many questions about historical performance practice with this instrument are left to speculation and the puzzling of those trumpeters who get involved in playing the keyed trumpet.

Johann Nepomuk Hummel, Concerto a Tromba principale 1803, Facsimile, (= HKB Historic Brass Series 4), TP 306, Fr. 85.00, Editions Bim, Vuarmarens 2012

id., introduction, historical view, analysis, critical commentary, original solo part, by Edward H. Tarr; German TP 306d; French TP 306f; English TP 306e; Fr. 22.00 each, Editions Bim, Vuarmarens 2012

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