Voice training with vocal patterns

Imaginative and wittily drawn cards explain vocal training questions without words.

Detail from a drawing by Irmtraud Guhe

Tjark Baumann has published an original booklet with Fidula-Verlag, which is particularly suitable for choral work and could well support many a church musician and choirmaster in the vocal training of their choirs!

According to the motto: "A picture is worth a thousand words", the booklet includes 30 large-format picture cards that deal with various vocal training topics such as voice placement, posture, breathing and legato singing. On the back of the humorous cards, the author gives instructions for use, explains vocal training details and supports the choir director in teaching the topic well. The booklet contains further didactic comments.


Although not all of the images appear to be completely beyond reproach in a physiological sense, the compilation reflects both the diversity and contradictory nature of various voice training approaches. For example, the picture cards on "opening the voice" or "support" mix the very correct with the physiologically questionable.

The individual elements can be put together individually by each choir director according to their ideal sound. The cards on posture, voice position and breathing are very helpful, and an amusing interpretation on the subject of register will certainly help amateur singers to understand this subject better than with mere words. The corresponding picture card placed on a music stand in front of the choir conveys the desired vocal and tonal effect without much thought. In this way, helpful information can be absorbed unconsciously through the eye.

The pictures are suitable for both children's and adult choirs.


Tjark Baumann, Stimmbilder, 30 picture cards for choir, singing and voice training lessons, with drawings by Irmtraud Guhe, 36 p., 30 annotated picture cards, € 19.90, Fidula, Boppard 2013, ISBN 978-3-87226-942-3

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