Presentation of the Alberik Zwyssig Prize 2018

The award-winning works by Cyrill Schürch, Zurich, Markus Fricker, Rupperswil, and David Lang, Mammern, were performed for the first time on October 28.

World premiere of Cyrill Schürch's "Alle, welche dich suchen",Photos: Zwyssighaus Foundation

The Bauen-based Zwyssighaus Foundation has announced the "Alberik Zwyssig Prize" composition competition nationally for the third time in 2018. The aim is to make a contribution to musical life. The competition called for sacred compositions that can be performed by a capable amateur choir and have the potential to find their way into the repertoire of Swiss choirs. Xaver Fässler, OC President responsible for the composition competition, and Irène Philipp, President of the Foundation Board, presented the prizes and paid tribute to the composers and their works:

1st prize: Cyrill Schürch for "All who seek you"
2nd prize: Markus Fricker for "I raise my eyes"
3rd prize: David Lang for "Prayer"

The award ceremony and prizewinners' concert took place in St. John's Church in Zug. The Walchwil church choir, soprano Rahel Bünter and Bertina Adame on organ and piano performed the works under the direction of Peter Wehrlen.

The Zwyssighaus Foundation honors the memory of Father Alberik (or Alberich) Zwyssig. One of his liturgical compositions, a gradual, later became the basis of the Swiss national anthem in a revised form. Alberik Zwyssig was born in 1808, but left the village as a child and entered the Wettingen monastery at the age of 13.
His birthplace in Bauen has been managed by a foundation since 1934.


Irène Philipp, Cyrill Schürch, Markus Fricker, David Lang, Xaver Fässler (from left)

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