An atmospheric lullaby

Fabio Maffei's "Una Carezza infranta" for violin and piano is not easy to learn.

Fabio Maffei. Photo: Laurent Dubois, Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Lausanne / wikimedia commons

Johann Sebastian Bach's Siciliano Sinfonia from the Christmas Oratorio provides the pattern for this complex "broken caress" for violin and piano, which lasts around seven minutes. It is the 18th composition written in 2012/2013 by the composer Fabio Maffei, who lives in French-speaking Switzerland and works all over the world.

The continuous 6/8 time signature is interwoven with complex duets, quartuplets, quintuplets and runs that rise to a passionate forte. The fact that there is an accidental before every note (even with the same notes in the same bar and with a resolution sign before every C major note) makes rehearsal even more difficult. After many atonal frictions, exuberant, tender and nightmarish scenes, the piece ends in a peaceful twilight. The detailed preface by Vincent Arlettaz (translated into German by Verena Monnier) inspires the performers.


Fabio Maffei, Una Carezza infranta, Ninna nanna per violino e pianoforte, Fr. 20.00, Archives musicales de la Bibliothèque cantonale universitaire (BCU) Lausanne, 2017, ISBN 978-2-88888-148-3

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