Death of the composer Dominique Schafer

According to Katharina Rosenberger, Professor of Composition at the University of California San Diego, the Swiss composer Dominique Schafer, who lived in the USA, has died following a serious illness

Excerpt from the CD cover "Vers une présence réelle ..." Dominique Schafer, Ensemble Proton Bern

Born in 1967, Dominique Schafer, who has been honored with countless awards, studied composition at Harvard University and the University of California, Los Angeles. He was particularly inspired by Paul Reale, Mario Davidovsky, Bernard Rands, Magnus Lindberg, Julian Anderson, Helmut Lachenmann, Brian Ferneyhough and Chaya Czernowin. He himself taught composition at Harvard University and the University of Rhode Island. Most recently he taught at Chapman University in California.

In Switzerland, Schafer's work is primarily cultivated by the Bernese ensemble Proton. The collaboration began in 2014 with his work "Vers une présence réelle...". The ensemble recorded a portrait CD for the Kairos label. In 2018, Ensemble Proton also realized a portrait concert in his honour.

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