Sanderling stays in Lucerne for another three years

The Lucerne Symphony Orchestra and Michael Sanderling extend their collaboration for a further three years.

Michael Sanderling (Picture: LSO/Philipp Schmidli)

Michael Sanderling took up his position as Principal Conductor of the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra (LSO) in 2021/22 with a five-year contract. After three seasons, the Lucerne Symphony Orchestra has extended his contract early for a further three years, thus securing its artistic planning for the 2026/27 and 2028/29 seasons.

The Lucerne Symphony Orchestra is the resident orchestra at the KKL Lucerne. According to the LSO's press release, Sanderling deepened the focus on the late Romantic repertoire. In recent years, the orchestra has recorded a Brahms cycle for Warner Classics and has toured South America and Asia as well as making guest appearances at the Konzerthaus and Musikverein in Vienna, the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and at festivals throughout Europe.

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