Once a year, Thurgau awards six personal grants to artists from its own canton. The grants are endowed with 25,000 francs each. One of this year's recipients is a musician.

The expert jury selected the following six Thurgau artists from 34 applications: Fabian Alder, director, Berlin; Gabriel Estarellas Pascual, musician, Amriswil; Cécile Hummel, visual artist, Basel; Andri Stadler, visual artist, Lucerne; Michaela Stuhlmann, performer, Müllheim and Bettina Wohlfender, author, Sirnach.

The handover of the grants will take place at a public event on Tuesday, June 11, 2013, at 7.30 pm at the Kulturforum Amriswil. The handover ceremony is also an opportunity for encounters between creative artists, politicians and cultural sponsors. The event will be accompanied by music from Raphael Jost and his band.

The contributions were awarded by a jury made up of the cultural department's specialist advisors and external experts. Its members were Katharina Ammann (curator of the Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur), Ursula Badrutt (head of cultural promotion/art conservation at the Office of Culture Canton St. Gallen), Anja Bühnemann (music critic), Pat Kasper (musician, recording studio supporter), Astrid Künzler-Büchter (dancer, choreographer), Markus Landert, (Director of the Thurgau Art and Ittinger Museum), Martin Preisser (cultural journalist, musician), Andreas Schweizer (Director of the Weinfelden Youth Music School), Paul Steinmann (author, director), Christof Stillhard (Head of Cultural Promotion of the City of Frauenfeld), Peter Surber (journalist), Elisabeth Tschiemer (publisher), Judit Villiger (artist), Cornelia Zecchinel (PR consultant) and Monika Schmon (research assistant at the Cultural Office).

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