Biel's municipal council has approved the service contracts with 25 so-called small and medium-sized cultural institutions in the city for 2014 and 2015. Money may become scarcer.

The city of Biel will not be concluding a new contract with the Kulturtäter association. The Extraordinary General Meeting on June 12, 2013 decided to dissolve the association.

The situation in the areas of cultural perpetrators in cabaret, Chanson française and Semaine littéraire française will be reviewed by fall 2013. Due to the city's current financial situation, there may be less funding available for this from 2014 than before. All contracts will be revised in 2016 due to the total revision of the Cantonal Cultural Promotion Act.

The subsidies for the Théâtre de la Grenouille and the Photoforum are the responsibility of Parliament. If the City Council does not approve the loans for the two institutions, the situation would have to be reassessed as a whole for reasons of equal treatment. 



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