Impending reduction in music lessons at Bernese grammar schools

The cantonal music student council of Bern's grammar schools has launched a petition against the reduction of instrumental lessons in the main subject of music at Bern's grammar schools and music schools.

Photo: fotoknips -

In his report Supply and structure review of June 26 to the Grand Council, the Bernese Government Council is proposing to reduce weekly instrumental lessons from the current 45 minutes to 30 minutes in the next school year and to 22.5 minutes in four years' time. Potential savings of 300,000 francs are expected for 2014 and of
900,000 francs over the next three years. The Government Council is of the opinion that this measure is justifiable, as it would restore the practice that existed before the conversion of the seminaries into grammar schools. (S. 108)

The music department of the Bernese grammar schools, on the other hand, is convinced that this cost-cutting measure would have serious consequences for music as a major subject at grammar schools in the canton of Bern. As instrumental lessons are taught at grammar schools and music schools, the music schools are also affected by this cut. For this reason, the subject association is fighting back with a online petition. On the website it lists arguments against this cut. The petition can be signed online.

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