Kate Liu awarded the Olivier Berggruen Prize

Pianist Kate Liu has been awarded this year's Olivier Berggruen Prize at the Gstaad Menuhin Festival & Academy.

Kate Liu, Olivier Berggruen (Image: Gstaad Menuhin Festival)

Singapore-born Kate Liu completed her training with Robert McDonald and Yoheved Kaplinsky at the Juilliard School in New York, among others. She won a bronze medal and the audience prize at the 2015 Chopin Competition in Warsaw. With the Gstaad award, Kate Liu follows Pallavi Mahidhara (prizewinner 2022) and Alexandra Dovgan (prizewinner 2023).

The prize, established by Olivier Berggruen, includes a concert as part of the festival program and a trophy designed by Mai-Thu Perret, a Geneva-born artist with French-Vietnamese roots. The German-American art historian, curator and writer Berggruen comes from a family of patrons and is artistic advisor to the Gstaad Menuhin Festival.

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