Work grants from the Canton of St. Gallen

The Office for Culture of the Canton of St.Gallen is once again offering grants and residencies in Rome for artists this year. A sum of CHF 200,000 is available for funding in the fields of applied and visual arts, literature, music, theater and dance. The application deadline is March 20, 2014.

On the Capitoline Hill in Rome. Photo: Luigi Versaggi, wikimedia commons

The Cultural Promotion of the Canton of St.Gallen awards annual grants to artists. The grants support artists in the fields of applied and visual arts, literature, music, theater and dance with a budget-independent, fixed contribution. The support is intended to give artists the time they need to develop their ideas, projects or works or to further develop their artistic activities.

It is also possible to submit an individually tailored further education idea that includes a special residency or stage that specifically promotes further development. The work grants are intended to enable projects that give new impetus to artistic work or offer the opportunity to try out other forms of collaboration and encounters.

An additional funding opportunity is a stay in the studio apartment in Rome, which is now being financed in collaboration with the association Freunde Kulturwohnung Rom. An apartment in the lively San Lorenzo district is available there for three months at a time.

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