MusikPro Valais announces grants

MusikPro Valais, the music promotion institution of the Canton of Valais, is announcing this year's grants. Among other things, musicians or groups and the establishment of studios for contemporary music will be supported.

Photo: © Plattform Kultur Wallis/Aline Fournier

The Department of Culture of the Canton of Valais offers the following grants:

a) 3 three-year grants for musicians or groups in the amount of CHF 15,000 per year for musicians and CHF 30,000 per year for groups.
b) 2 grants for compositions in the amount of CHF 10,000.
c) 3 to 5 contributions to the establishment of studios for contemporary music in the amount of up to
25,000 francs per project.
d) 3 contributions for collaborations between professional and amateur musicians in the amount of up to CHF 20,000 per project.
e) 3 tutorship projects for emerging artists in the amount of 2,000 to 5,000

Only application dossiers submitted by April 15 will be considered.
2014 via the online platform be submitted.
Audio or video material can be sent by post to the following address:
Office for Culture, Cultural Promotion, P.O. Box 182, 1951 Sion.

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