Cultural promotion concept Graubünden 2025-2028

The Graubünden government has adopted the dispatch on the Graubünden cultural promotion concept. It sets out the objectives and priorities of cantonal cultural policy for the years 2025 to 2028.

Chur Music School (Image: Local Guide)

The concept takes into account social, demographic, economic and technological developments, writes the canton. It was developed by the Office of Culture with the involvement of cultural organizations in Graubünden and the Culture Commission from spring 2023 to early summer 2024.

The evaluation and the participatory process had shown that the funding priorities of the first cultural promotion concept had proved their worth and should essentially be retained. Only a few additions and clarifications were made.

The contribution to singing and music schools is set at CHF 2,900,000, and the cultural promotion department is also developing a cantonal talent promotion program. The federal government is contributing financially to the implementation as part of its "Young Talents in Music" program.

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