Bern determines important cultural institutions

For the Bern-Mittelland region, 13 cultural institutions have been classified as regionally important. In future, these will be jointly funded by the canton and all municipalities. The cantonal government has approved a corresponding amendment to the annex of the cultural promotion ordinance.

Buskers Festival. Photo: Philipp Zinniker (zvg Buskers Bern)

According to a press release issued by the canton, the institutions were judged on their importance and appeal in terms of visitor numbers, the originality and independence of their offerings, their contribution to cultural diversity in the canton and their accessibility for the population.

There were two lists to choose from: The "red" list included institutions that tend to program more unconventional, urban (in-house) productions. The "blue" list comprised institutions that tend to be more popular with audiences from the surrounding communities.

The consultation resulted in a clear majority in favor of the "blue" variant, writes the canton. The cantonal government has therefore decided to place a strong emphasis on the diversity of cultural offerings and the population's access to cultural performances.

Thirteen cultural institutions have been included in the definitive list, which in future will receive a maximum of 50 percent from the local municipality, a fixed 40 percent from the canton and at least 10 percent from the other municipalities in the region.

The list includes BeJazz Köniz, Camerata Bern, Bernisches Historisches Museum, Konzert Theater Bern, Kornhausbibliothek Bern, Theater an der Effingerstrasse Bern, Kulturhof Schloss Köniz, Reberhaus Bolligen, Bern Chamber Orchestra, La Cappella Bern, Buskers Bern, Kornhausforum Bern and the Hunziken Mill in Rubigen.

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