First Umer Art Prize goes to Lucas Niggli

The city of Uster is awarding the 2014 Art Prize to drummer and percussionist Lucas Niggli. The prize, awarded for the first time this year, is endowed with CHF 10,000 and replaces the previous, more broadly defined culture prize.

Photo: zvg

This year, the City of Uster's art prize will be awarded for the first time in accordance with stricter regulations. With the prize, the city recognizes "outstanding achievements in the field of art". The award ceremony will take place on November 15 as part of the "drum-pam!" festival at Kulturhaus Central. After the ceremony, Lucas Niggli will perform with Pierre Favre in the duo "The Poetry of Drums".

Lucas Niggli was born in Cameroon in 1968, where his parents worked in development cooperation. After moving to Switzerland, he grew up in the Zurich Oberland. The drummer and percussionist has been making music in the new territory of improvised and composed music for almost thirty years.

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