Freiburg Culture Prize honors dance theater project

The Fribourg State Council has awarded the State of Fribourg Culture Prize to the dance company DA MOTUS! According to the press release, the prize of 15,000 francs recognizes the artistic quality of this internationally renowned dance theatre group.

Souffle from Da Motus. Photo: Charles Ellena, © DA MOTUS

The dance company DA MOTUS! was founded in 1987 by Brigitte Meuwly and Antonio Bühler. It cultivates an instinctive and sensory approach to dance and combines improvisation with composition. The choreographic work, always developed together with the dancers, strives for an expressive physicality and presence.

DA MOTUS! has received a multi-year grant from the Canton of Fribourg since 2003. It is also supported by Pro Helvetia and the Loterie Romande, the Commission Romande de Diffusion des Spectacles (CORODIS) and the municipality of Givisiez.

The Fribourg Culture Prize was established in 1987 and is awarded every two years by the State Council. In 2012, it went to the writer Jean-François Haas. The date for the official presentation of this prize to the dance company DA MOTUS! will be set later.

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