The future of Aarau's cultural life

From September 2012 to April 2014, the cultural concept core group was commissioned by the city council to develop an updated cultural concept for Aarau. It also identifies the obstacles for the music scene.

KiFF (Kultur in der Futterfabrik) in Aarau. Photo: Voyager, wikimedia commons

The concept states that there is a broad musical life with KiFF, Jugendhaus Flösserplatz and private clubs in the rock/pop sector, the Jazzclub Aarau and the argovia philharmonic in classical music. However, the infrastructure for larger festivals with a supra-regional appeal is lacking. This applies to possible concert venues as well as the hotel industry.

Most of the city's money currently goes to KiFF (CHF 370,000 annually), the Szenaario theater association (CHF 318,200) and Theater Marie (CHF 104,500). Aargovia philharmonic receives 21,000 francs.

According to the concept, a broader range of spaces is apparently at the top of the population's wish list, alongside more courage in terms of funding policy. Almost all sectors are struggling with a lack of infrastructure.

On the one hand, the city wants to increase support for the already most important event organizers in Aarau, the theater sector, the KiFF and the cantonal cultural institutions. It also wants to focus on promoting the general public.

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