Uri consultation on voluntary music lessons

On behalf of the Government Council of the Canton of Uri, the Department of Education and Culture has launched a consultation on the revised ordinance on voluntary music lessons at elementary school.


Altdorf Town Hall (Image: Wikimedia/Paebi)

In essence, according to the press release, the aim is to enable the canton to pay higher financial contributions to the Uri music school in future. According to the cantonal law on schools and education, voluntary music lessons are a joint responsibility of the canton and municipalities. The canton is responsible for supporting voluntary music lessons for primary and upper secondary school students through contributions. Following the referendum on the revision of the Education Act on September 25, 2022 and as part of the follow-up legislation, the ordinance on voluntary music lessons at elementary school is now also to be revised.

The consultation on the revised ordinance will last until September 26, 2024, after which the Directorate of Education and Culture will evaluate the comments. The cantonal government can then decide on how to proceed. The earliest possible date for consideration of the revised law in the cantonal parliament is February 5, 2025. If this timetable is adhered to, the revised ordinance could come into force on August 1, 2025.

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