Canton Basel-Landschaft promotes young musical talent

The canton of Basel-Landschaft is expanding its talent promotion program and participating in the national "Young Talents in Music" program. Talented young musicians can now apply for subsidies funded by the federal government.

(Image: CC)

On 1 August 2022, the federal government launched the "Young Talents in Music" funding program. The aim is to support children and young people with above-average musical potential and create uniform standards for talent development in the music sector throughout Switzerland. Participation in the program is voluntary for the cantons and is subject to minimum requirements in terms of content and structure.

The Federal Office of Culture (BAK) has approved the Canton of Basel-Landschaft's application for participation. As of 1 January 2025, all interested children and young people from Basel-Landschaft can apply to join the support program. Children and young people who are already part of the Talent Promotion Music Schools Baselland (TFBL) have the opportunity to apply for direct payments from the federal government until August 31, 2024. The application tool will be activated by the cantonal coordination office during the school summer vacations.

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