Lucerne reorganizes cultural association

Alongside the Swiss Museum of Transport, the Lucerne Festival is to be included in the special-purpose association of major cultural institutions in the canton of Lucerne. This means that it will be co-financed by the canton in future.

KKL. Photo: Priska Ketterer/LUCERNE FESTIVAL

In July, the Lucerne Cantonal Council approved a planning report on the promotion of culture, and the Culture Promotion Act must now be amended accordingly. This concerns the expansion of cantonally funded cultural institutions and the planned measure of selective production funding.

The prerequisite for the latter is the realization of regional development funds in various regions of the Canton of Lucerne, in cooperation with the regional development agencies and the municipalities.

Under the selective production funding scheme, professional artists can apply with a project in response to a call for proposals. If a project meets the specified criteria, the canton can contribute financially to its realization.

The law must be amended to include the Lucerne Festival and the Swiss Museum of Transport in the special-purpose association. 




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