Discussioni aperte all'Assemblea dei Delegati

The semestrial assembly of delegates offers delegates from all regions of Switzerland and Liechtenstein the opportunity to discuss current issues in the field of music education and to receive information from the cantons. The presidents of the cantonal associations were also invited to the meeting on 7 July, which allowed for an in-depth discussion.


Messaggio Culturale 2025-2028

One of the most important points on the agenda of the day was the 2025-2028 cultural message, for which the ASSM has published a detailed report for consultation. President Philippe Krüttli illustrated the objectives for the development and impact of the new cultural strategy, which will come into force in May 2025 following a detailed consultation with the Council of States and the National Council. In reality, musical education will receive a little less funding from the federal budget.

Promozione di base: incontro con la CDPE

Since the approval of Article 67a of the Federal Constitution, the ASSM has been working to promote mass, basic and talented music. While the Confederation has already made its first steps in promoting mass education with the "Youth and Music" program and in promoting talent with "Young Musicians Talent", adequate measures are lacking for basic promotion, i.e. music lessons in public schools. The ASSM describes the situation regarding the quality of music teaching in public schools as a matter of concern. There are gaps in the training of teachers, the objectives mentioned in the programs are not always met and cooperation with music schools is inadequate. Philippe Krüttli reported on an informal meeting held on 24 April between the ASSM, the Swiss Music Council (CSM) and the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Education (CDPE). The key obstacle to changes of major importance is cantonal sovereignty with regard to public education. Various delegates intervene with the reports of the various cantons.

Tariffe nelle scuole di musica: articolo 12a LPCu

Another political issue is article 12a of the law on cultural promotion concerning tariffs in music schools. Although the competence is left to the cantons, the implementation is very varied and often lacking in terms of equal opportunities. Also in this case, an animated discussion between the delegates took place at the AD, some of whom have been and are still intensively involved in the drafting of cantonal legislation on music schools. 

La sfida di coprire i posti vacanti

The presence of qualified collaborators is also being felt in the music schools. The ASSM has held a study to discuss the relevant issues and, together with the Conference of Swiss Music Universities (CSUMS), has set up a working group to tackle the issue and prepare the first proposals for autumn 2024. 

Anniversario 2025

Per il suo 50° anniversario, l'ASSM sta pianificando delle attività specifiche: tra agosto e ottobre 2025, un autobus radiofonico raggiungerà le scuole di musica di (ad oggi) 16 cantoni e in questo contesto creerà delle trasmissioni. Le scuole di musica o le associazioni cantonali interessate sono invitate a iscriversi a info@musikschule.ch. Ci sarà anche un'anteprima del prossimo Forum Formazione Musicale nel gennaio 2025 a Baden.

Notizie dai Cantoni

Molti hanno preso la parola al punto all'ordine del giorno "Rapporti dai Cantoni". Adrian Meyer spoke about the situation regarding the law on music schools in the canton of Switzerland. "For a long time, the situation has not progressed, but this year has been a vertical rise," he said. Il Cantone si è rivolto all'Associazione delle scuole di musica di Svitto (VMSZ) e l'ha coinvolta attivamente nella stesura della legge. The referendum is still in progress until the end of July, with implementation scheduled for 2025/2026. The first steps towards a law on music schools have also been taken in the canton of San Gallo and the government was officially tasked with drafting one in May 2024. Philipp Gisler from the Canton of Uri illustrated the drafting of the ordinance on the new law on education, in which cantonal contributions to teachers' stipends should be increased as much as possible. Jacques Hurni spoke about the new regulations for teaching staff in the Canton of Vaud, which will come into force on 1 July 2024. Various other cantons spoke about the progress of the "Giovani Talenti Musica" program.

All of this is very gratifying, says Philippe Krüttli: "We always say that in Switzerland things are changing very slowly, but the changes are visible".

Discussioni in piccoli gruppi

After a briefing all together, the delegates dedicated themselves to four topics in an in-depth discussion. In small groups, they discussed the promotion of talent, the professional model and issues relating to communication. It was interesting to learn that many music schools are active on social media and that, as a result, they also create or offer their own jobs (in percentages).

Al termine, il Presidente dell'ASSM ha ringraziato i presenti, alcuni dei quali provenienti da lontano, e ha augurato loro molta forza ed energia per continuare il lavoro nel campo dell'educazione musicale.

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