Aarau publishes its cultural concept

The new Aarau cultural concept is now available at the reception desk in the town hall or from the Aarau cultural office. It can also be downloaded from the Internet.

\"Possessable\" Sculptures on Aarau station square. Photo: Chris.urs-o, wikimedia commons

Five political parties, ten cultural institutions and interest groups, eight departments or institutions of the city of Aarau and eight individuals took part in the consultation process, writes the city. Various inputs were incorporated into the concept, which has now been finalized with slight adjustments by the city council.

The concept defines the framework for cultural policy activities in the coming years. It is openly formulated and leaves the concrete form of the initiatives to future implementation.

It also contains no specifications regarding finances or other resources. The city admits that this was sometimes described as a shortcoming in the consultation process, but it is an essential part of the concept. The upcoming implementation steps should now offer the opportunity for the participation of cultural professionals and the population. An implementation plan will be drawn up by spring, which will then contain the concrete steps for the next legislative period.

Download: www.aarau.ch/kultur

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