Studio residency for Dominik Wyss in Berlin

Artists from the cantons of Nidwalden, Obwalden, Uri, Schwyz, Glarus and Lucerne will live and work in the two studio apartments of the Central Swiss cantons in Berlin for four months each in 2015/2016. Among them is the musician Dominik Wyss.

Potsdamer Platz, Berlin. Photo: Matthias Mittenentzwei/

Since July 2003, the cantons of Central Switzerland (including Glarus and excluding Zug, which has its own studio in Berlin) have been offering artists from various disciplines the opportunity to spend four months in Berlin-Mitte. The grant includes free use of the apartment and a monthly living allowance. The studio apartments are made available to the cantons of Central Switzerland by the Landis & Gyr Foundation at low cost.

One of the scholarship holders is Dominik Wyss, who was born in 1956 in Triengen, Lucerne. After graduating from the Kollegi in Stans, he studied musicology and German at the University of Zurich. He has worked as a teacher at the Kollegi in Stans since 1983, where he also supervises the choir and orchestra. He regularly works on compositions, especially for the theater. His compositions have been performed several times, and in 1997 he was awarded the Schindler Cultural Foundation Recognition Prize. He would like to use his stay in Berlin to work on a new composition which - without theater or film images - attempts to depict life in the big city.


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