Residence permits for musicians in Basel

The canton of Basel-Stadt writes that, in cooperation with the Department of Justice and Security and the State Secretariat for Migration, 17 musicians from third countries have been granted permission to stay and work in Switzerland. The majority benefit from a hardship clause.

Photo: U. Herbert /

The Department of Justice and Security has submitted an application to the State Secretariat for Migration for a hardship regulation for those musicians from third countries for whom there was a chance of obtaining a permit, the canton writes further.

The State Secretariat for Migration has assessed 15 applications positively "after a thorough examination of each individual case". Two people will receive a permit as part of family reunification. This means that a total of 17 musicians will be able to stay and work in Switzerland permanently in future.

In October, the Basel Office for Economic Affairs and Labor announced that it was examining a hardship regulation with the Federal Office for Migration for the musicians affected. At that time, it was still said that 20 of the 55 musicians affected would fall under this scheme. Since then, no solutions have been found for 38 musicians.

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