A music school law for the canton of Zurich

The Government Council has passed the Music Schools Act and forwarded it to the Cantonal Council. Music education in the canton of Zurich is to be enshrined in law and cooperation between music schools is to be further promoted.

Photo: manwalk/pixelio.de

The Music Schools Act is intended to enshrine music education as an integral part of public education in the Canton of Zurich. The law is intended to promote cooperation between music education institutions and ensure quality by recognizing music schools and setting minimum requirements for the range of courses on offer.

Responsibility for music schools remains with the municipalities. They will continue to have the task of ensuring that pupils have access to a music school. However, the municipalities are free to decide whether they run their own music schools, cooperate with other municipalities or with private providers. The proportion of parental contributions, which may not exceed 50 percent of the eligible operating costs of music schools, also remains unchanged from the current regulation. The cantonal contribution to the costs is to remain at 3 percent. The draft law now goes to the Cantonal Council for consultation.

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