Promoting culture with one percent of a heritage

At the "Kulturlandsgemeinde" of Appenzell Ausserrhoden in Heiden, a foundation Erbprozent Kultur was launched. The idea is that the foundation's assets will be built up from percentages of personal inheritance donated voluntarily.

Photo: Martin Büdenbender/

According to the official press release, the foundation is a "joint cultural sponsorship without entry barriers". It enables "a clear, personal commitment to culture". Anyone - regardless of origin, gender, status or wealth - can voluntarily donate one percent of their personal inheritance to culture. They can thus become part of an intergenerational project and play an active role in shaping the cultural landscape, the initiators continue. A handwritten promise of inheritance is sufficient.

The Government Council of Appenzell Ausserrhoden has pledged a contribution to the start-up phase. Forty people, including well-known personalities, are said to have already submitted a declaration of intent.

The foundation is intended to promote culture in and from all over Switzerland in its diverse forms. In a two-year start-up phase, the funding principles will be developed in a participatory manner with the involvement of those who promise to be heirs. In open forums, the foundation intends to ask fundamental questions about its profile and develop new forms of funding instruments and processes. From 2017, funding can be awarded - presumably still on a modest scale. The foundation expects to reach the double-digit million mark in the first ten years.

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