Aargau realigns cultural policy

The Government Council of the Canton of Aargau has commissioned the Department of Culture to work with the Aargau Board of Trustees to develop a cultural concept which, in addition to taking stock, will also define the objectives and priorities of cantonal cultural policy for the years 2017 to 2022.

Photo: Andreas Hermsdorf/pixelio.de

According to the canton's press release, the Culture Department, together with the Aargau Board of Trustees, will tackle the task in the coming weeks. The cultural players and stakeholders in the canton will be involved "in an appropriate form". With the support of external experts, the cultural concept is to be submitted to the cantonal government for approval by December 2016 and brought to the attention of the Grand Council in spring 2017. The canton has had its own cultural law since 2010.

The current practice is to be reviewed "against the backdrop of social changes, such as in the area of digitalization and demographic developments, but also in view of the canton's financial situation". The objectives and fields of action for the years 2017 to 2022 are to be "aligned in such a way that resources can continue to be used in a sustainable and impact-oriented manner", the canton writes further.

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